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Cold Weather Guidelines

Jordan District Emergency and Snow Closure GuidelinesOpens in a new window

Current Temperature and ForecastOpens in a new window

Current Air QualityOpens in a new window

Inside Recess

Decision Range

Outside Recess

Temperature is 21 degrees or below- including wind chill factor. Temperature is between 22 - 27 degrees. Temperature is 28 degrees or above- including wind chill factor.
Air Quality is in the Red or Purple Zone
PM2.5 Levels are 55.5 or above
Air is unhealthy or very unhealthy for everyone.
Air Quality is in the Orange Zone
PM2.5 Levels are 35.5 - 55.4
Air is unhealthy for sensitive groups
(young children and people with asthma).
Air Quality is in the Green or Yellow Zone
PM2.5  Levels are 35.4 or below.
Air is in the good to moderate range.
Blacktop and playgrounds are covered in heavy ice or snow.  Students can not move about without chance of severe injury. There are some areas that are covered with ice or snow.  Blacktops are mostly clear of ice. Blacktop and playgrounds are free from ice and snow.
Heavy rain or snow- students cannot be outside without becoming wet. Occasional snowflakes or misty rain.
Students are able to stay dry.
No precipitation.

Decisions are made by the office staff for lunch recess.

Teachers will make the choice for their grade level recess - age of students should also be considered.