Our school’s mission is: We succeed because we are capable of learning and accomplishing our individual goals. We choose to do our very best! We take ownership of our achievements and mistakes, and use them to grow and improve.
Prevention Plan Overview
Our school prioritizes prevention by offering support and services to our students and their families. Some of our everyday efforts, the systems and strategies for supporting our students are listed below:
- Our school uses Panorama data management to identify students in need of additional support.
- Our school provides access to District mental health and support resources through Student Services which includes the Jordan Family Education Center and Mental Health Access Program.
- Our school provides access to academic support with District departments to support the success of every student.
- Our school’s mental health providers (school counselors, school psychologists, or clinical support) are trained and supported by District administration to follow current best practices in prevention and intervention efforts.
- Our school intervenes with early warning, content monitoring, and anonymous reporting tools with support from district specialists to identify and support students who may be at risk.
- Our school provides access to parent and family resources including a District partnership with the Cook Center for Human Connection, evening parent seminars, and classes through the Jordan Family Education Center.
- Our school utilizes In-Focus social-emotional learning curriculum for all grades to help our students build skills for resilience and healthy relationships.
- Our school recognizes positive behavior and academics through the use of Character Trait slips and monthly Character Trait awards.
- Teachers collaborate in Collaboration and Planning (CAP) and intervention teams to ensure students’ academic and emotional needs are met.
- Teachers foster a safe, caring, and respectful learning environment in their classrooms where students are encouraged to take risks and learn from mistakes.
- The Wellness Room will provide a calming environment to allow students to self-regulate their emotions and regain their composure to return to class.
- Expectations Tour is modeled and implemented school-wide to help students know and practice expectations to maintain a safe school environment.
Suicide Prevention Plan
- Our school’s mental health providers and administrators are trained on and review District suicide risk intervention guidelines annually with support from Jordan District’s Student Services Team.
- Faculty trained in QPR protocol.
- All of our school’s licensed staff participate in suicide prevention training for their license renewal
- Students identified who may be at risk of suicide receive interventions and support appropriate to their individual needs which may include a screening interview, parent/guardian contact, a safety plan, mental health recommendations/referrals (Jordan Family Education Center, Mental Health Access Program, etc.), a re-entry meeting, and regular follow-up.
- Our school participates in the Panorama SEL survey.
- A weekly Tier 2 meeting is held to discuss the plans and needs of Tier 2 students and other students of concern. The Tier 2 team consists of Administration, School Psychologist and School Counselor.
- Our school will utilize the In Focus Education social-emotional learning curriculum for all grades to help our students build skills for resilience and healthy relationships.
Bullying Prevention Plan
- Our school team proactively reviews relevant data on school climate, safety, and bullying by identifying vulnerable populations (e.g., racial and ethnic groups, LGBTQ youth, students with disabilities) and specific spaces where bullying may be likely to plan support accordingly.
- Our school’s staff is trained on school procedures for recognizing, reporting (SafeUT, content monitoring, etc.), and responding to bullying incidents. The staff is trained at the beginning of the year and throughout the year.
- Our school staff documents incidents in Skyward according to State requirements.
- Students involved in incidents of bullying as targets, aggressors, or witnesses receive support for their individual needs which may include suicide risk assessments, counseling and mental health services, Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), a student wellness plan and/or parent/guardian contact—recognizing that targets, aggressors, and witnesses of bullying are more susceptible to school problems.
- Implement No Contact Contracts with students.
- Students participate in weekly SEL lessons.
- Classes participate in counseling lessons based on teacher input of skills needed.
- Our school focuses on a monthly character trait. We have monthly assemblies to recognize students that exhibit the character trait of the month (Kindness, Respectful, Responsible, Considerate, Patience, Perseverance, Focus, Reflective).
Violence Prevention Plan
- Our school’s administrators are trained on the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (C-STAG), along with other members of our school’s threat assessment team which includes: our school psychologist.
- Our school has a process for timely response to school threats using Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (C-STAG) and its decision tree. This includes warning potential victims and their parents/guardians.
- Our school’s staff and students are aware of school procedures for recognizing and reporting (SafeUT, content monitoring etc.) threats of violence. Students who are affected by or who make threats of violence receive interventions and support appropriate to their individual needs which may include problem-solving, interviews, suicide risk assessments, Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), Restorative Conferencing, Mediation, a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), counseling and mental health services, a student wellness plan and/or parent contact.
- Students are taught the “Stop, Walk, Talk” strategy.
Additional Strategies
- All teachers walk all students out at the end of the day to the front of the building to ensure the safety of all students.
- Teachers interact and play with students during recess time.
- Break areas/calm down spaces in the classroom.
- Student surveys administered
- Cake with a Cop
- Character trait assemblies
- Expectation Tours for teachers and students at the beginning of the year and after long breaks.
- Mountain Shadows Leadership Academy
- Safety Patrol
- School-wide implementation of social & emotional learning and coping skills
- Red Ribbon Week
- White Ribbon Week
- Mountain Shadows Leadership Academy students modeling for the school expected behaviors.