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Mountain Shadows Building

Mountain Shadows Elementary

Home of the Cubs

Kindergarten Registration Now Open for 2025-2026

Cell Phone and Other Personal Electronics Policy

Students are allowed to bring cell phones, smart watches, and/or earbuds with them to school, but these devices must be kept in their backpack or turned into the teacher at the beginning of the school day for safe keeping. These devices should be turned off when arriving at school until the end of the school day. For the safety of our students, we ask that students not use this technology while at school. It is difficult to determine who students are interacting with using their cell phones and/or smart watches. Please talk to your child about securing these devices during the school day.

If any of the devices (phone, smart watch, earbuds, etc.) are found in the student’s possession:

1st Offense - Warning sent home to parents.

2nd Offense - Warning sent home to parents and the item will be confiscated. Item kept in the office. Student can pick up at the end of the day.

3rd Offense - Warning sent home to parents and the item will be confiscated. Item kept in the office. The parent will need to pick it up at the end of the day.

4th Offense - Student will need to attend after school Behavior Academy with an administrator.

5th Offense - Student will be suspended. Afterwards, all electronics will be turned into the office until the end of the day and the student will be able to pick it up then.
We realize the possible need for this technology but do not wish for these devices to interfere with academic instruction or the classroom setting.  All personal electronics brought to school are done so at the responsibility of the student. Mountain Shadows cannot be held liable for damage or loss. 

We understand there are times when you need to contact your child. We ask that you call the main office. 

Lunch Balance Information

We have a lot of outstanding lunch account balances. Please make sure to make a payment if your child has an outstanding balance. After the third notice, lunch account balances will be sent to a collection agency. Thank you for your support regarding this matter.

Please replenish your student’s breakfast/lunch account by the end of each month so that your student does not have an outstanding balance carried over. If your child’s balance goes above $25.00 and is not paid after several attempts by the school to collect the money owed, the school may turn the balance over to a collection agency. Please contact the school office if you have questions.

If you would like to apply for free/reduced breakfast/lunch you may apply in your Family Skyward account or get an application in the office.

The following prices are for breakfast and lunch for the 2024 - 2025 school year.

  • Elementary Breakfast: $1.05

  • Elementary Lunch: $2.00

  • Adults Breakfast: $2.50

  • Adults Lunch $4.10

  • Reduced Breakfast: $0.30

  • Reduced Lunch: $0.40



Parking Lot Procedures for 2024 - 2025

Dear Parents/Guardians,
In preparation for buses coming to our school, we would like to share our parking lot procedures for the year. The current drop off/pick up lane right in front of the school will be designated for school buses only. The bus lane will be blocked by cones. Teachers on duty in the morning and afternoon will remove the cones for the buses to pass. After the buses pass, the teachers will put the cones back. Our current front row parking will be removed, and it will be used for Parent Drop Off/Pick Up Only (see below). Patron parking will be on the north side of the parking lot. Faculty and Staff parking will be located on the west side of the building as well as the east side of the building. The Faculty and Staff parking on the east side of the building will be fenced to prevent students from entering into the parking lot.
Our main priority is the safety of our students and that includes arriving at school and leaving school. We ask for your cooperation and support with these changes to our parking lot.


Smith's Inspiring Donations Program

If you shop at Smith's and would like to help support Mountain Shadows all at the same time, you can enroll in the Smith's Inspiring Donations Program. You can designate Mountain Shadows Elementary as your recipient. Our school number is YL923.
You can even spread the word to your family members and friends. Thank you for supporting our school!

Did You Know...

School Office Hours-  8:00 - 3:30

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